Jessica Jones

behavioral neuroscientist | hhmi gilliam fellow | uw

Unsupervised behavioral classification | Jessica Jones

Unsupervised behavioral classification

Sample implementation of the MotionMapper behavioral analysis methods initially described in the paper “Mapping the stereotyped behaviour of freely-moving fruit flies” by Berman, GJ, Choi, DM, Bialek, W, and Shaevitz, JW, J. Royal Society Interface, 99, 20140672 (2014).

The original MotionMapper software works on videos (not poses) and uses image analysis and multivariate statistical methods (such as PCA, wavelets, and t-SNE). It has been used to find stereotyped behaviors in flies, mice, and other species. This implementation has been modified to work of 3D joint kinematics instead vis python.

In this implementation, when stimulating nociceptors on the fruit flies abdomen, MotionMapper reveals 14 different behavioral states, 4 of which perhaps are known

Forked repo here. data_07192022 001 data_07192022 004 data_07192022 005
